Markets Matter: Understanding International Markets and Growth

July 9-12, 2024 
Tuesday-Friday (2 hour sessions per day)

09:00 New York, 15:00 Berlin , 19:30 Delhi, 21:00 Jakarta

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Course features

  • Instructor:
    Paul G Harwood
  • Course dates:
    July 9-12, 2024

  • Session length:
    2 hours (8 hours total)
  • Format:
  • Experience:
    No prior experience required
  • 349

What you will learn

  • How users in various target markets live, work, and apply products
  • Market-specific barriers and drivers to user adoption and retention
  • Comparative market insights 
  • Growth strategies and metrics for key markets


  • Market insights
  • International growth strategy 

Course Overview

This course provides a comparative overview of commonly targeted growth markets.  In this course, you’ll quickly get up to speed with understanding international markets. You’ll learn what makes people tick around the world.   You’ll learn the role socio-cultural attitudes and behaviors - along with markets’ political, regulatory and technological structures - play in technological usage patterns, and how they act as barriers and drivers to product adoption, retention, monetization and user protection.  You’ll learn how-to apply international market insights to various growth-related tasks from product design, the construction of user state models, to creating international growth metrics, including customer lifetime value (CLV).   

This overview course will covers the following markets:  
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • China
  • France

  • Germany
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

By the end of this course you will: 

  • Gain a general understanding of the importance of user attitudes, behaviors within different growth markets.
  • Evaluate how different markets present different challenges and opportunities for your product design and user growth. 
  • Understand the role of comparative analysis in developing growth success metrics and user state models

Irrespective of your current role, if you’re working with international markets or growth, this course will help you understand the uniqueness and importance of markets, and ensure you and your team build a product that delivers on global user needs.
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