Survey Research
Design and Analysis

August 6-15, 2024
Tuesday -Thursday (2 hour live sessions per day)

09:00 New York, 15:00 Berlin , 19:30 Delhi, 21:00 Jakarta

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Course features

  • Instructor:
    Paul G Harwood
  • Course dates:
    August 6-15, 2024

  • Session Length:
    2 hours per day (12 hours total)
  • Format:
  • Experience:
    Some prior research experience
  • 349

What you will learn

  • How to write a survey questionnaire
  • How to select the appropriate survey data collection method for your user population 
  • How to localize your survey in international markets
  • How to analyze your survey data, and report actionable insights with your team 


  • Market research
  • User research
  • Quantitative analysis 
  • Questionnaire design 
  • Research design 

Course Overview

This course explores the fundamentals of survey design as used in international market and user research.  

In this course, you’ll learn survey questionnaire design, survey data collection methods, nuances to conducting cross-market international survey research, sampling design, and the analysis of survey data to ensure you deliver actionable survey insights to your product and marketing teams.   

As part of this course, therefore, you will write a survey questionnaire that addresses a current user problem you and your team are currently working on at work. During the course, you'll have the opportunity to meet 1-on-1 with the instructor to discuss your specific survey questionnaire. 

This course will explore how-to word and order survey questions, the usage of open and closed ended questions, how-to understand attitudinal strength and interpret survey responses in various international markets, as well as understanding the different survey data collection methods that you can apply, and how to analyze your survey data and report actionable insights.  

Topics covered include:   
  • Question wording
  • Question order 
  • Response order
  • Open v closed ended questions
  • Different data collection methods 
  • Cross-markets: Survey localization issues
  • Attitudes v non-attitudes (assessing no opinion)
  • Attitudinal strength and middle responses
  • Assessing attitudinal change
  • Assessing attitudes cross-markets
  • Sampling design - theory and practice 
  • Bi-variate analyses
  • Multivariate analyses
  • How-to report actionable data 
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